
Why write about caimans?

Raymond and Damon getting ready for the special delivery

The idea for Raymond and Damon's adventures came to me during one of our visits to the National Aquarium in Baltimore in 2018. The caiman exhibit always seemed intriguing because it was not really possible to tell whether the caimans were watching or sleeping. Clara, my youngest daughter, started making faces like the two caimans one day. From there, they became a family favorite, which then led us to naming them, which then led to the story idea.

The Adventures in Raymond and Damon series is now up to three books as of May 2022. There are several more that could be on the way in the future, as long as the caimans don't eat the manuscripts!

It should be noted that this book would still just be an idea without Brad Samuelson's amazing work with the art and illustrations. Given that we both have other day jobs, we worked together through a string of emails, Google Docs and Slack messages. While I tried my best to annotate each page with as much information as possible, Brad was able to take my words and turn them into something remarkable. Check out Brad's latest webcomic - ChangeLog and his previous one, As the Grass Grows.

With the three books now published in the series, that makes five total books bearing my name. My first book - The Developers - is a book about crazy people on the internet and online social networking and privacy (only I published it in 2005, which is probably well before you knew that these things existed!). My second book - Corporate Ties - is based on a true story about a time I was hired for a job, and on my eighth day, they decided to move the entire company from Louisville to corporate headquarters in Cincinnati. Also don't forget to check out my personal website, where I have online articles since 1999 (that's not a typo, either).